Further Mis-adventures of the Zug's

Bryan, Jen, Ruthie, Thomas, and Scout (the dog) Zug live in Renton, Washington.

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Summer Update

My apologies to everyone that I haven't posted any pictures here in two months, but I've been, you know, occupied.

(Also, if I misspell any words in this post it's because there's no spell check on Blogger).

Thomas is four months old and weighs 13 lbs. I know this because he just went to the doctor this week to get poked and prodded. Thankfully he did not pee on the doctor, which he did last time.

He is definitely (a word I ALWAYS misspell) trying to be mobile. He gets his knees up under him with his butt in the air and would probably be across the room and out the door if he could just figure out how to get his belly out of the way. I remember Ruthie doing "the worm" (that's a breakdancing reference, for those in a different age bracket) around four or five months, so he's just trying to show her up.

Thomas also just began reaching for toys that are around him, and playing with his feet. This may not sound exciting or even all that difficult to the uninitiated (although I'm sure I couldn't reach my feet if I tried), but trust me ... it's a developmental milestone. A book I read told me so.

Sadly, I am still getting up once in the night to keep the kid from starving, but at least he has the decency to go back to sleep without any fuss. Drinking a bottle of taquila before I nurse helps a lot.

Just kidding.

Most of the time.

Ruthie is a much better person to be around now that we lock her in her room all night with no possibility of escape. If you don't know what I'm talking about read this and this. Oh, and this, too. In that order. And for the follow-up, read this.

Speaking of the little devil (we actually got her a sweatshirt that says this on it, complete with devil horns on the hood), she is talking up a storm and speaks in complete sentences. Well, almost complete. For instance, the other day she says to Bryan, "No hit The Ruthie," after he bonked her playfully on the head (I promise there was no abuse involved, so please put down the phone).

She's very aware of Thomas and likes to get into his face to make googly sounds. And if I ask her to bring him a toy, she always picks out just the right one. She's also a great big sister in that when he cries, she rocks his bouncy seat and says, "sh-sh-sh."

Ruthie loves to draw, watch Finding Nemo and Monster's Inc., and point out Scout's poop piles in the yard for me to pick up. Little does she know that as soon as she can operate a shovel this will be her job -- we'll see how much fun you'll have Poop Hunting THEN, won't we, Ruthie???

She is very smart, and I'm not just saying this because I'm The Mother. I'm terrified that she will be smarter than me and ask me questions that I don't know the answers to. She's very observant and seems to grasp abstract concepts at an early age. For instance, as we've been disciplining her, we first asked her to apologize for her actions, using the word "apologize," an abstract concept. To which she responded by saying "I sorry." Just today I asked her if she wanted a fork or a spoon, and she said, "both." Needless to say my eyebrows went up.


The jury is still out on that one.

To sum up, where Ruthie has always been an independent, on-the-go kid, Thomas appears to be more snuggly and is most happy when being held. Or maybe he's just terrified of that crazy blond girl that keeps getting in his face. At any rate, time will tell how his personality will unveil.

I will post pictures of our camping trip on another day, but this batch is from June and July.

Love to all,

All smiles

Originally uploaded by jenzug.

Originally uploaded by jenzug.

Ruthie found a good place for all her stickers.

Originally uploaded by jenzug.

Helpful Big Sister

Originally uploaded by jenzug.
Ruthie was loading Thomas up with all his toys just to make sure he was properly entertained.

The Resulting Bootie

Originally uploaded by jenzug.

Originally uploaded by jenzug.

Originally uploaded by jenzug.

Our New Patio Furniture

Originally uploaded by jenzug.
The chairs rock, the benches glide, and the coffee table has a fire pit in the middle.

Thomas at 3 months

Thomas at 3 months
Originally uploaded by jenzug.
This picture of Thomas looks exactly like a picture of Jen at the same age.

Thomas and Ruthie

Thomas ad Ruthie
Originally uploaded by jenzug.

Thomas' Dedication at Harambee Church

Thomas was dedicated by Deacon Aaron on the first Sunday he ever preached. We were very excited about this because he and his family used to live with us.

Originally uploaded by jenzug.

Family came to the dedication.

Family came to the dedication.
Originally uploaded by jenzug.
Grandma and Grandpa Anderson and Aunt Jody came to the dedication.

My cutie with the curls!

My cutie with the curls!
Originally uploaded by jenzug.

Daddy and his boy

Daddy and his boy
Originally uploaded by jenzug.

Aunt Jody with the smiling Thomas

Auntie Jody came for a visit
Originally uploaded by jenzug.


Originally uploaded by jenzug.
Aunt Jody visited from Iowa.

The Dust Fairy

The Dust Fairy
Originally uploaded by jenzug.

Soda Queen

Soda Queen
Originally uploaded by jenzug.

Baking Brownies

Baking Brownies
Originally uploaded by jenzug.

This Is Why You Should Never, EVER, Turn Your Back On a Two Year Old...Not Even For Just a MINUTE.

Originally uploaded by jenzug.

Yes, she is eating dog food.

Yes, she is eating dog food.
Originally uploaded by jenzug.
Another reason to never turn your back on a two year old.

Thomas the Train Day in Snoqualmie

Originally uploaded by jenzug.
This Thomas was made completely of legos.

Thomas on Thomas

Originally uploaded by jenzug.
We all took a ride on Thomas the Train over Snoqualmie Falls.

Ruthie on Thomas

Originally uploaded by jenzug.

Entertained by a balloon

Originally uploaded by jenzug.
I tied the balloon to Thomas' foot, so every time he kicked the balloon bounced. Thomas laughed and kicked for about a half hour. No exageration.

Originally uploaded by jenzug.
There was much kicking.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Hello Jen