The August Update
We bought a new camera this month that fits into my pocket. Consequently I now take pictures of EVERYTHING every day and I will need to buy a new computer to store all the photos on. I will try to exhibit some self control as I post them on this website – there’s only so much of somebody else’s life that one person can take.
After taking a four month hiatus I finally cleaned my house this month. I figured the I-just-had-a-baby-so-give-me-a-freaking-break excuse was wearing a bit thin. Our little family is back into a rhythm again, which is nice.
Ruthie was potty training last week, but this week … not so much. I even bought her cute little panties. Part of the problem is MY issue – I’m a terrible mother and just find it to be a complete BOTHER to remember. I barely get to the bathroom myself -- how can I be expected get HER there???
Thomas is at one of my favorite ages – five months. He sits in his walker, his jump-up, and rolls around on the floor. No crawling yet – that darn belly keeps getting in his way! We started solid food this month, too. So far just rice cereal, zucchini, bananas, and peaches. He gets about two solid-food meals a day. When I remember. Otherwise he doesn’t eat at all. Well, except from my boob, which is WAY more convenient.
Bryan took the summer off from being a pastor to help out more at home. Adjusting to two kids was tough, plus I’ve been experiencing the Post Partum Depression thing, so his full attention was very well received! He also preached a couple times in August and he just makes me so proud! He also got a promotion and a couple raises this summer, so he is valued at work as well.
I landed myself a writing contract doing book reviews for publishing companies, so now I’ll get paid to sit around and read and give my opinion. What more could a woman ask for??? The connection came through a friend of ours in San Diego who does marketing for publishing companies.
We are all looking forward to Grandma visiting from Minnesota in September, and we plan to see family in California over Christmas. We’ll be in touch with everyone about that.
Hugs and kisses,
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