Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Getting Into the Groove
On the off-chance that I should ever decide it would be a good idea to have more children, and when those other children arrive should I become insane with sleep-deprivation and postpartum depression, please remind me that it DOES get better!
I am finally getting some sleep at night as Thomas will go from his 9:30pm feeding until 5 or 6am each morning. He's also settling into a regular routine of napping for a couple hours at a time after eating and smiling at me for about an hour. He's also still pretty portable, so Ruthie and I get out most mornings to run some errands or visit friends. This is what keeps the mamma sane.
Ruthie is turning out to be an active, independent, explorative little girl with some stubborness thrown in for good measure. At any given moment I will find her naked in the front yard, or on top of the dining room table, or standing on her (very tall!) dresser with the light bulb unscrewed from her lamp. I find myself sighing out loud quite frequently, "Oh for cryin' out loud!"
Today while in her double stroller with Thomas, she stuck her finger all the way down his throat, then threw a book on his head. Poor little guy, he'll have to toughen up quick!
The challenge has been to keep up with her and keep her busy without feeling like I need to entertain her at all times. It's when she's bored that she winds up getting into mischief, then I just get frustrated with her continued misbehaving. I just found some books at the library that have great ideas for different things to do, and I may just start off by making some rice crispie treats with her this afternoon!
The beginnings of a smile! He's actually smiling up a storm by now (at 8 weeks old), but I have yet to capture it on film.