Further Mis-adventures of the Zug's

Bryan, Jen, Ruthie, Thomas, and Scout (the dog) Zug live in Renton, Washington.

Monday, March 28, 2005

Thomas Gordon Zug arrives...

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So let the children fly and question all they see
They'll grow up wise and penetrate the life that lives unseen

-- Michael Been, "When" from the album "Let the Day Begin" by The Call

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After about 12 hours of labor that began on Friday, March 25th at 5 PM -- Thomas Gordon Zug sprang out of his momma Jen at 5:01 AM on March 26th.

Thomas (aka Toe-Moss; aka Moss; aka Mossy; aka Tug) weighed in at 7 lbs 3.4 oz and was 19 inches in length.

Momma and baby are doing fine. We transferred the brood from the Hospital to home early on the afternoon of March 27th (Easter Sunday).

Pictures of the day are below.

Of particular note is Dottie the Clown (our great family friend Nan!) who stopped by on Saturday while we were at the hospital. She greatly helped Ruthie with the adjustment to big sisterhood by offering her copious amounts of stickers.

And as all parents of little girls know -- stickers always help -- they are magic and make hard transitions go very well.

That’s it for now, please post any questions you have via the comments feature on this post (which requires you register with blogger which is so completely worth it, so don’t hesitate) and we will try to fill in any of the details you’d like to know about.

As always – much love –

Bryan, Jen, Ruthie, Thomas, and Scout (the dog)


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